

阿魚丸 Fishball

馬來西亞 Malaysia


A cutting-edge cartoonist, her online serial works, My Giant Nerd Boyfriend, is ranked first place in the life comic category on both Webtoon English version and Webtoon Chinese version. With over 40 million likes, she is a popular comic artist in Malaysia. The content of the comic is about the relationship and life stories of the petite artist and her 199 cm nerd boyfriend. In accordance with the vertical scrolling reading method of Webtoon, the storyboards are arranged in the vertical direction so can be read by scrolling the screen vertically. To make reading more smoothly and efficiently, her comic works use less text and colors, hand-drawn illustrations, and humorous life style to attract readers.



《我的巨型宅男友》 My Giant Nerd Boyfriend

阿魚丸 Fishball 馬來西亞 Malaysia
《我的巨型宅男友》作品為數位漫畫,在馬來西亞出版風氣不盛行,因此許多漫畫作者會把作品刊登在Webtoon數位平臺,例如LINE Webtoon、Comico和Lezhin Comics。阿魚丸在韓國、臺灣、泰國和日本等亞洲地區與北美都擁有相當高地人氣。於備受年輕人喜愛的平臺LINE Webtoon上,按讚數破4,000萬,追蹤人數破200萬,是排名第一,最受喜愛的漫畫創作者。


The works are digital comics. Publish industry is not prevailing in Malaysia, therefore many comic artists choose publish their works on digital platforms, such as LINE Webtoon, Comico and Lezhin Comics. One of the tops, Fishball, is popular in Asia, such as South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Japan, and North America. On the hit platform for youngers, LINE Webtoon, her number of likes has surpassed 40 million and the number of followers has surpassed 2 million, which made her the top and the most beloved comic artist.

Fishball’s works are often integrated with Malaysian Chinese culture, local customs, family affection and romance. For example one work exhibited suggests the appearance of large moths or insects at home may be the visits of passed relatives. With empathy and understanding smile, viewers can learn the tradition and culture of Malaysia.