

崔振國 Jinuk Choi

韓國 South Korea


A Korean filmmaker and 3D artist based in New York. He believes that looking at the world from a children's perspective is the best way to keep innocence and imagination, his works are full of childishness. Jinuk's works have a beautiful artistic style suiting all-ages, and the storyline is always inspiring.



《Beyond the Line》

崔振國 Jinuk Choi 韓國 South Korea
《Beyond the Line》內容描述輪椅夢想著有一天像賽車一樣快。有天晚上,他決定和朋友們在醫院走廊進行比賽。這場獨特的比賽利用繃帶標記起跑線,而將心率設備的聲音作為起跑信號,輪椅能否實現自己的夢想?

Beyond the Line describes a wheelchair boy dreams of one day he could be as fast as racing car. One night, he decides to compete with his friends in the hospital corridor. This unique race uses bandages to mark the starting line, and uses the sound of the heart rate device as the starting signal. Can the wheelchair boy realize his dream?